Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Friends Forever- Sealed with Sacrifice

    True Love. Its sought after all over the world and never seems to be found. But in the movies it can be found in a matter of days, or even hours! All you need is a beautiful girl, a handsome man, and some distressful situation. The script writers at Disney portray the very same concept in their movies. True love always begins with a kiss and ends in happily ever after. Right?
    I would like to take this opportunity to point out that real true love can not be found in a couple of days togather or even a kiss. However, Disney does accuratley show true love in their movies.
   It can be found in the best friend.

Think about it. Copper stepped in front of a gun to save Todd's life. Buzz and Woody risked everything, multiple times, to rescue one another. Phil mentored Hercules and returned to save him, even after Herc drove him away. Ray died protecting Tiana. McQueen put aside his dream to appease the simplicity of Mater. The list is endless, but the message is the same: True love is found in true friendship, and it is not shown through kisses and marriage. Rather it is worked at, fought through, and filled with sacrifice.

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